"Here is a selection of favourites from the past year or so that have special memories attached in places and some are favourites from my SWU FM radio show. I've mixed in some of my more recent productions as well as some of the new Acid Dub Versions mixes as well.
Thank you to Bleep for having me on, and everyone for listening <3" - Om Unit
From the hazy Acid Dub Studies of 2021, an even hazier Acid Dub Versions is born. Om Unit presents remixes from artists who show the full spectrum of dub, starting with hard hitting beats that slowly get more and more submerged in murky waters. Frantic factory floor crashes zip around Dubkasm’s two versions of ‘The Struggle’. Stephen Hitchell meanwhile offers three tracks, playing the rhythmic long game as CV313 on his ‘Ghosts’ re-animations before succumbing to luscious ambient drone on ‘Rolling Stock (Variant Etherscope)’, where distant acid stabs lead the way through the sonic fog.